Lesson 084

Russian pronoun СВОЙ

Today we’ll learn another Russian reflexive pronoun – свой. This is a possessive pronoun and used to refer back to the subject of the sentence.

Declension of the pronoun свой

First let’s take a look at its declension. The pronoun свой change both in numbers and cases:

The declension table is not included in the audio.

case masculine feminine neuter plural
Nominative свой своя́ своё свои́
Genitive своего́ свое́й своего́ свои́х
Dative своему́ свое́й своему́ свои́м
Accusative (inanimated) свой свою́ своё свои́
Accusative (animated) своего́ свою́ своё свои́х
Instrumental свои́м свое́й свои́м свои́ми
Prepositional своём свое́й своём свои́х
Russian Pod 101

Use of the reflexive possessive pronoun свой

The pronoun свой is used instead of possessive pronouns when referring back to the subject of the sentence. For example:

Он не по́мнит свой а́дрес.
He doesn’t remember his address.

The use of the pronoun свой depends on the gender and number of the object you are talking about:

Я слежу́ за свои́м здоро́вьем.
I (subject) am watching over my health (object).

Он следи́т за свои́м здоро́вьем.
He (subject) is watching over his health (object).

Мы следи́м за свои́м здоро́вьем.
We (subject) are watching over our health (object).

Pay attention

When talking about a 3d person:
– use the general possessive pronoun if you refer the other person,
– use the pronoun свой if your refer to the subject of the sentence.

Она взяла́ свою́ су́мку.
She took her (own) bag.

Она́ взяла́ её су́мку.
She took her (someone else’s) bag.

Talking about 1st or 2d person you can use either possessive or reflexive pronoun:

Дай мне твой но́мер телефо́на. / Дай мне свой но́мер телефо́на.
Give me your phone number.

Я сде́лала ремо́нт в свое́й ко́мнате. / Я сде́лала ремо́нт в мое́й ко́мнате.
I renovated my room.

Kalinka Russian Course

Body parts

Russians usually don’t use any pronouns when talking about body parts.

Я почи́стила зу́бы.
I brushed my teeth.

Ты вы́мыл ру́ки?
Have you washed your hands?

Play is an audio file to practice all examples of today’s lesson.

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4 comments on “084 – Russian pronoun СВОЙ”

  1. TW Carl says:


    I think your table on this page with Declension of the pronoun свой for accusative is not completely correct.

    Accusative своего́ свою своего́ своих
    Correction? свой своё свои

    Is this correct?

    1. Learn Russian Step by Step says:

      Hello TW Carl,

      Thanks for your comment and sorry for replying so late.

      Yes, you are absolutely right. We have corrected the error. Thank you!

  2. Yavi says:

    This is a great website!

    1. Learn Russian Step by Step says:

      Thank you, Yavi. 🙂

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