Lesson 053

The Prepositional case in Russian

We have already learned 5 Russian cases. There is only one case left – the Prepositional, so let’s learn it today.

Use of the Prepositional case in Russian

The Prepositional case in Russian is called Prepositional because it always comes along with prepositions. It:

– answer the questions “about whom?”, “about what?”

– defines a location.

In Russian, it answers the questions (о) ком? and (о) чём?

Prepositions used with the Prepositional case

These are the prepositions used with the Prepositional case:

о/об – about (use об if the next word starts with a vowel)

Я ду́маю о тебе́.
I’m thinking about you.

Они́ мечта́ют об о́тдыхе.
They are dreaming about getting some rest.

в/во – in, at (во is used before some double consonants)

Они́ гуля́ют во дворе́.
They are outside at the yard.

Она́ у́чится в шко́ле.
She studies at school.

Russian Pod 101

при – near, close to, by, on, in front of

Не руга́йся при де́тях.
Don’t swear in front of the children.

При всём моём уваже́нии, я не могу́ с ва́ми согласи́ться.
With all due respect, I can’t agree with you.

У него́ при себе́ нет де́нег.
He has no money with him.

на – on, upon, in, at

Вчера́ я была́ на рабо́те.
Yesterday I was at work.

Твои́ ключи́ лежа́т на моём столе́.
Your keys are on my table.

Practice all today’s examples with the audio track. In the following lessons we’ll cover the formation of the Prepositional case with different nouns.

The offline version of this lesson is available here

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