Russian personal pronouns

033: Personal pronouns in the Accusative

Today we will learn the Accusative case of personal pronouns:

Nominative Accusative
я меня́
ты тебя́
он его́ / него́
она́ её / неё
оно́ его́ / него́
мы нас
вы вас
они́ их / них

Pay attention: for the pronouns that have two versions, use the version with Н after prepositions.

Russian Pod 101

Examples and practice

Вы меня́ понима́ете?
Do you understand me?

Я тебя́ не ви́жу.
I don’t see you.

Ты его́ ви́дишь?
Do you see him?

В него́ стреля́ли.
He was shot. (Lit.: They shot at him.)

Вот кни́га, прочита́й её.
Here is a book, read it.

Мы их не зна́ем.
We don’t know them.

006: Russian personal pronouns

In this lesson, we will learn Russian personal pronouns.

Listen to the audio and repeat after it:

Pronoun Pronunciation Translation
я [ya] I
ты [ty] you (informal and singular)
он [on] he
она́ [a-ná] she
оно́ [a-nó] it
мы [my] we
вы [vy] you (formal or plural)
они́ [a-née] they

Keep in mind, that I in Russian is written with the lowercase.

Russian Pod 101

Formal and informal ways of addressing people

There are two ways of addressing people in Russian depending on who you talk to.

If you are talking to your friend, relative, someone younger than you, or somebody you are close with, you can use the informal tone and call him or her ты when addressing directly.

But if you talk to your boss, teacher, a stranger, or somebody older than you, you should use the formal tone and call the person вы (plural form of ты).

These are the basic and the most important rules of politeness in Russia: using ты wrongly can push people away from you and give a bad impression about you.

Sometimes you might see that the polite Вы is written with the uppercase, while the informal plural вы is written with the lowercase. It is a common practice but not a rule. When you address people politely in a written form, you can write вы with the lowercase, it will not be a mistake.

That’s it for today. We hope you enjoy learning Russian with us. Listen to the audio track and practice the pronunciation of Russian personal pronouns.


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