Lesson 019

Colors in Russian

This lesson is about Russian colors, i.e. names of colors in Russian. Some of them you might already know from our previous lessons, and some of them will be new for you.

Names of colors in Russian

си́нийdark blue

Russian Pod 101

Practice Russian colors with examples

All these words are adjectives and, as you already know, the adjectives take the gender, number and case of the subject they describe. Let’s practice to use the colors in Russian with different nouns.

Я люблю́ бе́лые ро́зы.
I love white roses. (plural, Accusative)

У него́ се́рые глаза́.
He has gray eyes. (plural, Accusative)

К до́му подъе́хала кра́сная маши́на.
A red car drove up to the house. (feminine, Nominative)

Э́тот кот – бе́лый.
This cat is white. (masculine, Nominative)

К э́тому пла́тью подойду́т чёрные ту́фли.
The black shoes will suit well to this dress. (plural, Nominative)

How to ask “What color is something?”

In order to ask “What color is something?” start your phrase with Како́го цве́та …?.

Pay attention that the word цвет (color) here comes in the Genitive caseцве́та – so the names of the colors that come along with it must be used in the Genitive case as well.

Како́го цве́та её пла́тье?
Оно́ кра́сное. Её пла́тье кра́сного цве́та.
What color is her dress?
It’s red. Her dress is red (of red color).

Како́го цве́та у неё глаза́?
Они́ зелёные. Её глаза́ зелёного цве́та.
What color are her eyes?
They are green. Her eyes are green (of green color).

Како́го цве́та не́бо?
Голубо́го. Не́бо голубо́е.
What color is the sky?
Blue. The sky is blue.

This is it for this lesson. Practice Russian colors and examples with the audio track.

The offline version of this lesson is available here

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3 comments on “019 – Colors in Russian”

  1. Oussama says:

    hello i’m happy to be here and thank you a lot for your courses

    1. Learn Russian Step by Step says:

      Hi Oussama,

      Welcome to the site. If you have any questions, don’t hesitate to post them in the comment. 🙂

  2. Nisha Ahirwal says:

    I want an essay about myself. And on my family.

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